So after all the hype and sly hints, the newest (free!) Overwatch expansion is here: Uprising! – to find out who’ll serve you best on the War-torn...

Developer Summary Week 3 April 2017

While we don’t have anything too ‘meaty’ directly from ‘Fresh-breff-Jeff’ Kaplan, other members of the Overwatch dev team have been transparent about what their thinking of for...

Overwatch Developer Summary Week 2 April 2017

‘Smurfing isn’t really that big a problem’ – Developer community update notes week 2 April 2017 In the week that the much-awaited ‘Uprising’ expansion is released, the devs...

New Update Just Landed on Overwatch’s PTR: May 3rd 2017

Shimada Brothers Hanzo’s bow draw time has been reduced by 10%, increasing his dps, and if he draws his bow then climbs up a wall, it remains charged...

Top heroes for 3v3 Elimination

Even though it's been in the game a while, 3v3 elimination is still very popular for players looking for a slightly different challenge (and those hunting lootboxes)...

5 Things to Expect Soon

Lore! It’s been quite some time since we have a character’s backstory, Mei is rumored to be next, but I’m also rumored to be a good writer, so...

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